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Get updated with our latest news by following us on any of our social media accounts. And read our blogs below and see for yourself how we educate our patients on the wide realm of dental services we offer, such as restorative procedures and teeth cleaning in Mountain Home, ID.

Follow us on Facebook, Mountain Home Dentistry Co., and see the successful before and after treatment and procedures of our patients and how our top-notch services improved their oral health here in Mountain Home, ID. You may also support us by subscribing and watching our videos on our channel, Boise Dentistry Co., on YouTube. Follow us further on Twitter and Instagram and join us in the journey of our unfailing commitment and dedication to providing dental health care services in Idaho.

For more inquiries about our top-quality services, do not hesitate to call us at 208-587-1111, or email us your concerns at info@mtnhomedentistryco.com. We are located at 450 West Airbase Road, Mountain Home, Idaho.

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