dental solutions tooth deterioration dental wellness dental procedures

If you would look at how dentistry evolved through the centuries, you would surely be glad that you haven’t lived during those times when dental myths were held of much importance and practiced by most people. These are considered misconceptions that nowadays we would find them funny and outrageous. However, even when those times are over, some myths are still practiced nowadays, such as the tooth fairy myth.

Some of these even differ in every country. Imagine your parents burning your teeth because they believe that it will protect you from the evil elements. Or, your teeth being used in rituals to prevent plagues and diseases. However, some are too good to be true, such as brushing your teeth way too hard to achieve shinier and cleaner teeth. If you practice this, it is time to stop as this is not advisable.

Let us check and look into these common dental myths nowadays and what dental health service providers think of them:

No Time to Floss

When people are in a hurry, they will think that as long as they are brushing their teeth, flossing is not that necessary at all. When in fact, flossing is as important as brushing. Regular flossing prevents the buildup of plaque between your teeth that causes cavities. Dental health experts recommend flossing because it is not all the time that your toothbrush can reach the places where plaques love to imbed themselves, that is, between your teeth.

Mouthwash After Meals

Using mouthwash every after a meal is seen as very hygienic. However, according to experts, using mouthwash, specifically the alcohol-based types, would only change the ‘ecology’ of your mouth. Not all bacteria living in your mouth are bad. So, consider your mouth a niche of both the good and bad ones. Their very existence matters too, so if you are continuously using mouthwash, it would only destroy them, which may lead to ulcers, increase the risk of oral cancer, and ruin your cavity fillings.

Sweets Cause Cavities

We would often hear from people that eating sweets would ruin your teeth. Excessive intake is the root cause of tooth decay. This common dental myth is not the sole cause of tooth deterioration.

The process of tooth decay starts with consuming foods that contain starch or carbohydrates. These foods break down into sugars, which are consumed by the bacteria in your mouth. Acids are produced from these bacteria as a waste product, which, when combined with saliva, form a plaque between your teeth. The plaque build-up, when left untreated, targets the enamel of your teeth, therefore creating cavities.

The Whiter Teeth, The Better

People nowadays believe that having whiter teeth is a sign of good dental health. Our teeth are naturally white. But consumption of certain foods and continuous unhealthy habits can turn them dull and yellow. However, some remedy this concern by using products like teeth whiteners. Unbeknownst, these teeth-whitening products contain chemicals, such as hydrogen peroxide, that contribute to tooth deterioration. This chemical attacks the enamel of your teeth and can cause tooth sensitivity.

It is best to consult your dental health provider about this matter to see which treatments or procedures can boost your dental wellness.

Baby Teeth are no Biggie

Babies’ primary teeth are often regarded as of less importance because most think that they can still grow their permanent teeth anyway. However, baby teeth are as important as permanent teeth. They are essential for speech development, proper nutrition, and the emergence of their permanent teeth.

Visiting Your Dentist When Only Necessary

Many think that because they are not suffering from any dental problems or if some concerns are seemingly not serious, visiting their dentists is not necessary. This is another myth that should be debunked. Experts recommend a regular dental visit, as an inspection can uncover concerns regarding your dental health.

Cavities may be painless for some time, but you cannot be sure that one day they won’t be painful. Aside from these, there are other concerns you should be aware of if you continuously retain unhealthy habits that may cause gum disease and oral cancer. As they say, prevention is better than cure, so visit your dentist regularly.

Expecting Moms Should Avoid Dentists

Some myths also include pregnant women forbidding them to go to their dentists. When in truth, expecting mothers should visit their dentists as dental health concerns may arise during pregnancy. There are pregnancy-related dental concerns that should be addressed, especially when gums are swollen, bleeding, or sore.

Furthermore, another myth-buster includes the loss of a tooth, and the body will take the calcium from the teeth during pregnancy.

Chewing Gum as a Substitute for Brushing

Chewing gum may have benefits for your oral health. However, it is not entirely a solution to every concern and becomes a substitute for brushing. Gums can displace the bacteria in your mouth and freshen your breath but cannot remove the existing plaques between your teeth.

Tooth Loss is Hereditary

A rather popular opinion that tooth loss has something to do with genetics, in truth, tooth loss is preventable. This is commonly caused by cavities, unfavorable habits, or lacking proper hygiene. Regular brushing, flossing, visits to the dentist, and maintaining good habits are essential to prevent tooth loss.

Dental Solutions are Enough to Combat Future Decay

Dental procedures, such as crowns and fillings, are believed to last and can fight off the emergence of future deterioration. In truth, these treatments only prolong the lifespan of your teeth but they are not entirely the lifetime solutions to combat the persistent existence of decay. Maintenance of healthy habits is still expected, as your newly restored teeth are as vulnerable as they were prior to the procedure.

Wisdom Removal is a Must

Wisdom teeth removal is not necessary. As long as they can grow out without causing any pain or overcrowding your teeth, removal is not necessary. But a visit is still advisable to make sure they won’t cause future problems.

Hard-bristled Toothbrush is Better!

Hard-bristled toothbrushes are thought to be better and more effective than regular or soft-bristled ones. This kind of toothbrush may only cause the removal of your teeth’s surface. The vigorous and abrasive use can damage your teeth’s enamel.

Time to debunk these dental myths!

How many of these have you been continuously or unconsciously doing everyday? If you are doing any of these, you owe yourself a dental visit and get the appropriate oral treatments and services you need or as recommended by your dentist. Message your dentist at 208-587-1111.

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